Teachings NOMAN GILL  

“Watch Ye Therefore, and Pray always”

During the last week of His mortal ministry, Jesus taught His disciples to, Watch ye therefore, and pray always, this is the perfect counsel from the Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples during His mortal ministry.

While in His mortal ministry Jesus foresee the things of the world will be happen before his second coming. Among the things that shall come to pass.
There are wars and rumors of wars, famines and Pestilences, and earth quakes in places.

Certainly, we are living in the same era. we live in a time during many people fear the future, and many heats have turned away from their faith in God and His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.

Our Media, news channels are filled with these rumors and wars. Moral denigration is fully published online all over the world. All the world is not safe now.

A worldly pandemic has reached all over earth and took millions of life, loved ones. Many people lose their businesses and many are lay off from their jobs. Moreover, many people left alone in self-isolation.

Economics challenges are rising on daily basis. Now is the time to thank the Lord’s and Jesus Christ for His infinite atonement he done for us.

At the same moment, we continue to see conflicts all around the Globe.

Today I expand my invitation to call for prayer to all people from everywhere every nation around the world. No matter how you pray, whom you pray, whatever your faith may be- do exercise your faith as needful.

No matters where you live, what language you use to speak, and the challenges you face, God hears and answers each of us, our prayers in His own way and in His own time. As we are His children and we can reach Him any time, day or night, He knows us by name and listen our sincere prayers and heartfelt talks and we can seek His help always.

I invite you to pray always and be believing, pray in individually and in your families.

Prayer will lift us and draw closer to us with our Heavenly father and Lord Jesus Christ.

Savior prayed and acted upon by doing good works among the people, feeding them, healing them and comfort them those are in need. Heal the sick and afflicted.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30

The world is daunted now a days and only thing can give us comfort is sincere prayer to God and Jesus Christ. How great is the power of prayer. Let us be thankful to God for this wonderful gift of Prayer. With this we can talk to our Heavenly Father.

So let’s keep studying the scripture and give heed to the savior counsel as he did you His disciples “watch ye therefore, pray always”.

May Lord God bless each of us and protect this world from all the pandemics. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen