Select Level - True or False
How well do you remember all the stories in the Bible? Test your Bible knowledge across 80 levels. Bible Games are a great Bible study tool for all age group. You can play across 80 levels and 800 facts. You can start with easy difficulty towards medium hard and expert questions. You can check the verse reference for each fact.
Bible games are a good way to grow faith and have fun at the same time through interesting facts. Understanding the Bible scriptures is essential for believers. Bible questions and answers will help you learn all the important facts about Christianity. Try this game for free to check how much you really remember about Bible characters and stories. This quiz game is a great way to grow faith and have fun at the same time through interesting Bible facts. You can also try the Books of the Bible Quiz or play with the Multiple Choice game mode in which you can answer 1667 questions.
Easy Levels
126 New Testament and 74 Old Testament Questions.
Played 75,320 times.
Medium Levels
72 New Testament and 128 Old Testament Questions.
Played 26,389 times.
Hard Levels
32 New Testament and 168 Old Testament Questions.
Played 14,052 times.
Expert Levels
78 New Testament and 122 Old Testament Questions.
Played 12,361 times.