Apocryphal books refer to a collection of ancient texts that are not included in the canonical scriptures of major religious traditions, such as Judaism and most branches of Christianity. The term "apocrypha" comes from the Greek word meaning "hidden" or "obscure," suggesting that these writings were not widely circulated or accepted as authoritative by religious authorities.
In the context of the Christian Bible, the apocryphal books are sometimes referred to as the "Deuterocanonical books" or "Anagignoskomena," meaning "those which are to be read." These books are found in certain versions of the Old Testament, primarily in the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures used by early Christians.
The apocryphal books include a diverse range of texts, including historical narratives, wisdom literature, poetry, and apocalyptic writings. Examples of apocryphal books include additions to the canonical books of Esther and Daniel, the Books of Tobit, Judith, and Wisdom of Solomon, among others.
Apocryphal books that were once part of the KJV Bible but were removed in 1885 have been marked with the KJV tag.
Books (20)
91 Chapters
16 Chapters
I. Maccabees (kjv)
15 Chapters
II. Maccabees (kjv)
7 Chapters
18 Chapters
9 Chapters
I. Esdras (kjv)
16 Chapters
II. Esdras (kjv)
14 Chapters
Tobit (kjv)
16 Chapters
Judith (kjv)
7 Chapters
Additions to Esther (kjv)
19 Chapters
Wisdom of Solomon (kjv)
51 Chapters
Wisdom of Sirach (kjv)
5 Chapters
Book of Baruch (kjv)
1 Chapter
Letter of Jeremiah (kjv)
1 Chapter
Prayer of Azariah (kjv)
1 Chapter
Susanna (kjv)
1 Chapter
Bel and the Dragon (kjv)
1 Chapter
Prayer of Manasseh (kjv)
3 Chapters
1 Chapter