Holiness is a command from God – to all of his children as seen in 1 Peter 1:15-16, it says, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”Hence, it’s a command every believer who is desiring a better county (heaven) must take seriously.
There is no exclusion in holiness
Many Christians and non-Christians alike, who see holiness as a kind of segregative duty of a believer. They isolate themselves from the call to holiness. However, the call to live holy Iives is to all truly born again believers, none is exempted. Once you are adopted by grace into the family of God through faith in Christ – the call to holiness is for you.
Although, holiness is not a criterion for salvation. Nevertheless, it is a condition to be met after salvation in Christ. Holiness is not just for our progress and earthly blessings, but a prerequisite for making heaven. This fact is evident in the book of Hebrews 12:14, where it says, “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”
It’s important to understand that, the way to heaven is a highway of holiness, and God has called every believer that will tread on that heavenly highway to a life of holiness. God has called calls us to walk in holiness as his children whom he does not want to see perish. Therefore, he’s not calling us to a deceptive holiness, hypocritical holiness, or superficial holiness. Rather, he’s calling us to committed scriptural holiness.
Consequently, we ought to know that since we have believed, God demands the full fruits of holiness from you and I. For those who think holiness is an impossible feat to attain, I’d have you know that, we can be holy? However, it happen through our effort, no, you just can’t on your own! I can’t either.
But that’s where consecration comes in. If we are not hungry, determined. And prayerful to attain scriptural holiness, we’re likely to remain spiritually immature even years after we became saved. But when you are hungry and thirsty for it, just as the hart pants after the water brooks, the LORD will fill our hearts with gracious holiness and give us the grace to conserve the experience and daily walk in holiness.
Being Holy is Possible
The bible says, Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Ask and receive, for the promise is unto you. As Christians, we are called to live holy lives. Without this, no man shall see God. This day we can choose to take up every thing standing in the way of our attaining holiness up in the place of prayer.
Finally, I pray that the God of Grace will will help us attain the same level of holiness – that the patriarchs of old and our fathers of faith did.