All the words were taken from the English Standard Version (ESV).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
"I will make people more ... than fine gold" (4)
Father of the apostle James (8)
One of the rivers of Eden (5)
He was the first murderer (4)
Haran died here (2)
Jesus met his disciples at this sea (8)
Saul killed everyone in this city (3)
Another name of Esau (4)
David bought his threshing-floor (5)
God is clothed with awesome ... (7)
Jesus did not commit it (3)
He was the king of Bashan (2)
He was paralyzed (6)
He was a prophet (6)
Wise men followed it
Peter and Andrew's occupation (9)
Will dwell in the new heaven and earth (13)
She was a prostitute in Jericho (5)
"Let the heavens ... your wonders" (6)
The firstborn of Judah (2)
Jesus called them hypocrites (7)
Joseph's father-in-law was a priest here (2)
It is between the woman and the snake (6)
Joshua made an altar on this mountain (4)
He killed 85 priests of the Lord (4)
He began to rule at the age of 8 (6)
Abigail's first husband (5)
The LORD our God, the LORD is … (3)
One of David's priests (4)
Abraham buried Sarah here (4)
Joshua sent spies here (2)
Well Done!

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