Acts Bible Quiz

At the moment we have 75 questions from this book.

We have limited the questions to 25.

  1. Who was in jail with Paul at Philippi?

  2. Who was the wife of Felix the governor?

  3. What was Paul's occupation?

  4. What did Peter see inside the great sheet that descended from heaven during his vision?

  5. Who were praying and singing hymns to God when suddenly there was an earthquake which freed them from prison?

  6. Who cured the crippled man in Lystra?

  7. Who believes that there is neither resurrection, angel nor spirit?

  8. Where did Tabitha (whose name means Dorcas) live?

  9. How many chapters are there in the book of Acts?

  10. What was the name of the spokesman for the Jews who accused Paul?

  11. About whom did God say, “a man after my heart, who will do all my will”?

  12. Who foretold that there would be a great famine all over the world?

  13. Who baptized the Ethiopian eunuch?

  14. Paul was shipwrecked on what island?

  15. Which Roman ceasar commanded all the Jews to leave Rome?

  16. Who saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God?

  17. Who kept the garments of those who stoned Stephen to death?

  18. At whose feet was Paul educated?

  19. When Jesus spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus, in what language did he speak to him?

  20. Where did the Athenians take Paul to?

  21. Who saved Peter from Herod's prison?

  22. Who fell out of a window while Paul was preaching?

  23. What was the occupation of the man who housed Peter in Joppa?

  24. How many servants did Cornelius send to find Peter in Joppa?

  25. Whom did Paul circumcise?

Acts Bible Quiz

This book holds a special place in the Bible's rich tapestry, and what better way to dive into its teachings than with a Acts Bible Quiz? This quiz offers a unique opportunity to test your knowledge, explore its verses, and gain a deeper understanding of this profound biblical text.

Acts Bible Quiz is not just a game; it's a journey into the heart of this Bible. With questions that challenge and inspire, you can engage with the text in a whole new way. Whether you're a seasoned theologian or a beginner on your spiritual path, the Acts Bible Quiz offers insights and revelations for everyone.

Incorporate the Acts Bible Quiz into your Bible study sessions, Sunday school classes, or even as a personal exploration of faith. By taking the quiz, you can unlock the wisdom contained within this book and enrich your spiritual journey. So, why not embark on this enlightening adventure today? Take the Acts Bible Quiz and let its teachings illuminate your path.

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